Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How long has it been?

How long has it been since we spoke last?

There has been two Tabor College Football Seasons since we spoke last.

How long has it been since we shared a laugh?

There has been two Super Bowls since we shared a laugh together.

How long has it been since your Mom gave you a hug?

There has been two Christmases since you hugged your mom.

How long has it been since you gave your Lil' Bro a hard time?

There has been two summer breaks since you gave your Bro a hard time.

It has been One year, 11 months and 18 days since you passed.

It has been 717 days since your accident took you from our world.

It has been 17,208 hours since our world was turned upside down.

It has been 1,032,480 minutes since that tragic day created a permanent void in our hearts.

But there has never been a day, an hour, a second or a moment when we do not long for you, Marcus.

We miss you son.

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