Monday, September 12, 2011

Anything can be a bitter reminder...

What would you pay for a burger like this?  I would give up so much to just be able to have this meal at the Sonic in Hillsboro, KS in the winter of 2008.

That was the last time  we visited Hillsboro with our son still alive.  It was for his Football Awards Night.

He was awarded Special Teams Player of the Year Award and this watch for being on the squad four years.

Here is a picture of Marcus along with Grant (middle) who was his host when Marcus visited Tabor in April 2004 as a pre-frosh.  Grant was an Assistant Coach and the Offensive line coach for the BlueJays in 2008.  The gentleman in the gold tie was then head coach Mike Gottsch.

Marcus and Mario his last roommate at Tabor.

Same guys just more skin.

I guess it is just normal that everything and anything can remind you of your lost loved ones. Scents, lyrics of songs, dialogue in a movie or the smallest meaningless thing can you send you bawling. This happened to me and my wife tonight.  She asked simply, "Why are you taking a picture of your food?"  Then opens the floodgates of emotions.

This happens to us a lot.  Most of the times on our own, but sometimes when we are together.  I know my wife has these episodes on her own and conceals them from all of us.  It is not because she is ashamed.  It is because she does not want to make me or our youngest Alex feel sad any more than we already are.

We love you and we miss you, Son.