Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day Patricia!

Happy Mother's Day!

At John and Sheryl's Wedding

Alex and Mommy time.

 Marcus and three-day old Alex.

 At Dallas Academy Homecoming Game with Mydia

Goofy time after a game freshman year.

Finally a "Good" shot

I recall you saying "One more shot!"  Which turned into a dozen more or so.  So glad you insisted.  This shot is a treasure.

Alex with two of the best Mom's in the World 

Freezing in Hillsboro 

Senior Game 
Mother's Day 2002, with Marjorie a soon to be great mother then.

Your boys and I love you Patricia. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Another Post on Facebook

This is another post on Facebook by one of Marcus' friends on Facebook.

From Heaven Above

by Alicia Hendricks
on Friday, March 23, 2012 at 9:46pm

I wrote these words in what seems like not so long ago....
My hand shakes as my pen writes these words.
The tears stream down my cheeks to splash the page.
To grasp that you've gone makes my heart hurt.
I see your smile and your dancing eyes.
The laughter and humor in your voice rings in my ears.
I remember how you made me laugh till I cried.
Cracking jokes to lighten the mood or to ease my pain.
You lend an ear and give words of advice when I'm in need.
You were someone we all admired.
Always treasured and remembered in all the hearts that your character and personality touched.
We ALL will forever miss the fun loving YOU!!!
Marcus Manny