Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day 2010

This is the second Father's Day since our son Marcus passed.  Nothing much has changed from Father's Day 2009 to today.  Somehow people make it an effort to greet me Happy Father's since my son's passing.  I think people reach out more, because they know I will be dwelling on the fact, that I have one less son to father to.  But no matter the reason, I still appreciate the gesture and the greetings.

Every Father's Day ever since my wife and I got married Marcus has always had a gift for me on my birthday or on Father's Day.  The past ten years or so it has been a golf shirt of some sort.  Even though I still acted surprise when he gave me the shirt, I knew his Mydia (Grandmother on my wife's side) bought the shirts for him to give to me.  I think some years or in the early years, he actually picked them out, but the later years Mydia has keyed on the styles I like and bought the shirts through-out the year while shopping at Sam's Club.  All of my suspicions were confirmed when Mydia gave me the rest of the shirts she had stockpiled to me last month.  Four brandnew shirts that were destined to be doled out through the years.  No need to dole them out for every generic occasion now.  Oh yeah by the way, I got the same shirts for my birthdays and Christmases.  I did not mind getting the shirts.  In fact I love these shirts.  Today I did not get new golf shirts.  I suspect that golf shirts are no longer going to be under the Christmas tree for me in December either.

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