Monday, July 19, 2010

How many times have you cried today?

I have lost count.  From when I wake up in the morning to when I lay my head to sleep, I must cry at least a dozen times a day now.

When was the last time you cried?

I guess before my son's accident I may go a whole year and just cry two or three times.  But now everything reminds me of Marcus or of the pains Patricia, Alex and Mydia go through because of Marcus' loss.

I look at my wife and I think of times she spent with Marcus.  I look at my son and I think of the things they did together.  My Mother-In-Law just the other day mentioned to my wife that she misses the boys terribly.  Both of them because Alex and Marcus hung out a lot at their Mydia's house during the summer.  Marcus still kept a room there - so he had two Texas homes.  Marcus would pick-up Alex from our home in Plano and they will spend days with their Grandmother.

Now Alex is guilt ridden because he knows he should spend time with Mydia, but the motivatiion is not there.  I do not know if he is avoiding the old house, but it is not one of his favorite destinations since the accident.  In fact Alex has not really spent anytime at my Mother's either.  I do not want to read into it, but sometimes I think he is just wanting new and different experiences.

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